Πέμπτη 22 Μαΐου 2014

Ένα άρθρο βιβλικού ενδιαφέροντος στο τρέχον τεύχος του PRSt / A new article of biblical interest in the current issue of PRSt

Perspectives in Religious Studies 41:1 (2014)

Mitchell G. Reddish, "Hearing the Apocalypse in Pergamum," 3-12
This essay explores the question, "How might the Apocalypse of John have been received and understood by John's audiences in the first century?" The article examines three aspects of the book-its setting (with special focus on Pergamum), its author (who was a Christian prophet in western Asia Minor), and the mode of reception of the work (an oral performance in the context of worship where it was recited/performed, possibly by another prophet). Through oral performance, the presenter made Jesus present among the audience, creating a setting in which the message of the Apocalypse could not be easily ignored.

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