Τετάρτη 21 Μαΐου 2014

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του JSJ / In the current issue of JSJ

Journal for the Study of Judaism 45:2 (2014)
  • Benlamin Scolnic, "Is Daniel 11:1-19 Based on a Ptolemaic Narrative?," 157-184 (abstract)
  • Sean A. Adams, "Did Aristobulus Use the LXX for His Citations?," 185-198 (abstract)
  • Benedikt Eckhardt, "Vom Volk zur Stadt? Ethnos und Polis im hellenistischen Orient," 199-228 (abstract)
  • Matthew Thiessen, "Aseneth’s Eight-Day Transformation as Scriptural Justification for Conversion," 229-249 (abstract)
  • Gregg E. Gardner, "Let Them Eat Fish: Food for the Poor in Early Rabbinic Judaism," 250-270 (abstract)

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