Δευτέρα 24 Μαΐου 2010

Στο νέο τεύχος του Tyndale Bulletin / In the current issue of Tyndale Bulletin

Στο νέο τεύχος του Tyndale Bulletin 61:1 (2010) δημοσιεύονται μεταξύ άλλων και τα εξής άρθρα βιβλικού ενδιαφέροντος:

  • Larry W. Hurtado, "The origins of Jesus-devotion : a response to Crispin Fletcher-Louis", 1-20
  • Jonathan Moo, "Continuity, discontinuity, and hope : the contribution of New Testament eschatology to a distinctively Christian environmental ethos", 21-44
  • Brian Brock, "On generating categories in theological ethics : Barth, Genesis and the 'Ständelehre'", 45-67
  • Robin Routledge, "Did God create chaos? : unresolved tension in Genesis 1:1-2", 69-88
  • Terrance A. Clarke, "Complete versus incomplete conquest : a re-examination of three passages in Joshua", 89-104
  • Erkki Koskenniemi, "Forgotten guardians and Matthew 18:10", 119-129
  • Peter M. Head, "Editio critica maior : an introduction and assessment", 131-152

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