Δευτέρα 24 Μαΐου 2010

Το νέο τεύχος του Neotestamentica / The current issues of Neotestamentica

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του Neotestamentica 43:2 (2009) δημοσιεύονται τα εξής άρθρα:

  • Steve Moyise, "Jesus and Isaiah", 249-270
  • Marius Nel, "The mysteries of the kingdom of heaven according to Matthew 13:10-17", 271-288
  • Jan G. van der Watt, "Knowledge of earthly things? : the use of epigeios in John 3:12", 289-310
  • Burgert W. de Wet, "Knowledge and love in 1 Corinthians 8", 311-333
  • Dietrich A. Koch, "Christsein in Philippi und Korinth : Integration und Abgrenzung frühchristlicher Gemeinden in den römischen Provinzen Makedonien und Achaia", 334-353
  • Gys M. Loubser, "Life in the Spirit as wise remedy for the folly of the flesh : ethical notes from Galatians", 354-371
  • Martin Karrer, "Der Text der Johannesoffenbarung : Varianten und Theologie", 373-398
  • Ruben Zimmermann, "The 'implicit ethics' of New Testament writings : a draft on a new methodology for analysing New Testament ethics", 399-423
  • Gert J. Steyn, "'Perfecting knowledge and piety' (Philo, Contempl. 3,25) : intertextual similarities between Philo's Therapeutae and Lukan early Christianity", 424-448
  • Evangelia G. Dafni, "Septuaginta und Plato in Justin's 'Dialog mit Tryphon'", 449-465

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