Τετάρτη 17 Δεκεμβρίου 2008

Αφιέρωμα στην επί του όρους ομιλία στο περιοδικό Studies in Christian Ethics

To νέο τεύχος Studies in Christian Ethics 22:1 (2009) είαι αφιερωμένο στην επί του όρους ομιλία:

  • Susan Frank Parsons, "Usus Gratiae: How Am I to Hear the Sermon on the Mount?", 7-20
  • Oliver O'Donovan, "Prayer and Morality in the Sermon on the Mount", 21-33
  • Jennifer A. Herdt, "Rain on the Just and the Unjust: the Challenge of Indiscriminate Divine Love", 34-47
  • John Battle, "The Sermon on the Mount and Political Ethics", 48-56
  • Glen H. Stassen, "The Sermon on the Mount as Realistic Disclosure of Solid Ground", 57-75
  • Richard Bauckham, "Reading the Sermon on the Mount in an Age of Ecological Catastrophe", 76-88

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