Τετάρτη 17 Δεκεμβρίου 2008

Ένα νέο περιοδικό: Sacra Scripta

Από το ιστολόγιο του Mark Goodacre, NTGateway, πληροφορούμαστε την έκδοση ενός νέου περιοδικού βιβλικού περιεχομένου στη Ρουμανία.

Παραθέτουμε την ανακοίνωση, όπως την έστειλε ο Ulrich Luz:

Sacra Scripta
the new Romanian journal for Biblical Studies
edited by the Centre for Biblical Studies of Babes Bolyai Universität Cluj-Napoca
Executive editor: Korinna Zamfir
Editorial board: Gjörgy Benyik, Ioan Chirilla, Erik Eynikel, Marius Furtuna, Hans Klein, Lehel Lszai, Ulrich Luz, Sorin Martian, Janos Molnar, Tobias Nicklas, Zoltan Olah, Joseph Verheyden
Two issues of ca 120 pages per year.
Articles are accepted in English, German, French and Italian.
Among the authors of the years 2007/08 were Ioan Chirilla, Walter Dietrich, Marco Frenschkowski, Hans Klein, Johannes Klein, Ulrich Luz, Daniel Mihoc, Vasile Mihoc, David Moessner, Tobias Nicklas, Constantin Oancea, Armand Puig y Tarrech, Stelian Tofana, Gerd Theißen, Michael Tilly, Michael Wolter, Korinna Zamfir
Subcriptions: for two issues 35 € incl. postage (in Europe) (for students 20 €)
Subscribers from Eastern European countries get special prices.
Applications for subscriptions to: Anisoara Taut: anisoara_t@yahoo.com
Bank account: Associatia Diatheke, Banca Transilvania, Sucursala Cluj-Napoca, B-dul Eroilor 36. Please add: For "Sacra Scripta". IBAN: RO11BTRL01304205B80615XX
Please support the emerging Romanian Biblical Scholarship through a subscription for your

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