Παρασκευή 2 Σεπτεμβρίου 2022

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του ETL / in the current issue of ETL

Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses 98/2 (2022)

  • Michael Avioz, “Josephus’ Attitude towards Repetition and Doublets in his Jewish Antiquities,” 205-218 (abstract)
  • Cornelis Bennema, “Paul's Paraenetic Strategy of Example and Imitation in 1-2 Thessalonians,” 219-238 (abstract)
  • Evgenia Moiseeva, “Mani as an Exegete of the Old Testament? The Place of Gen 1,26-27 in Mani's Anthropogonym,” 239-260 (abstract)


  • Olegs Andrejevs, “Mark's Framing of the Walking on the Sea Incident (Mark 6,45.53),” 293-312 (abstract)
  • John-Christian Eurell, “ Rehabilitating Some Early Heretics: The Rhetoric of Heresy and Christian Diversity in the Second Century,” 313-330 (abstract)

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