Παρασκευή 19 Αυγούστου 2022

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Revue Biblique / The current issue of Revue Biblique

Revue Biblique 129/3 (2022)

  • Christa Müller-Kessler, "New Palimpsest Fragments for 1 Kingdoms with Lucian and Origen Additions in a Christian Palestinian Aramaic Witness (Sinai, Greek NF MG 14)," 321 - 340 (abstract)
  • Jean-Claude Haelewyck, "Le cantique vieux latin d'Azarias (Dn 3,26-45) dans le manuscrit Verona, Biblioteca Capitolare IV fol. 6," 341 - 349 (abstract)
  • Karin Finsterbursch, "To So Called Preface to Dan 5: Remarks on its 'Career' in the Variant Literary Editions of Daniel (LXX967-Dan; LXX88-Dan; Th-Dan)," 350 - 358 (abstract)
  • Mariusz Burdajewicz - Juliane Stein, "Un protomé anthropomorphe en terre cuite de Tell Keisan, en Galilée, " 359 - 375 (abstract)
  • Asher Ovadiah, "Two Bouleutai, Father and Son, and a Bronze Statue of Poseidon Referenced in a Greek Inscription from the Samaria Region," 376 - 391 (abstract)

Notes philologiques

  • Christophe Rico, "La conjonction ἕως en grec ancien: À propos de Mt 1,25. III. Textes de la Septante à substrat hébraïque," 408 - 416

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