Τετάρτη 10 Αυγούστου 2022

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του Liber Annuus / In the current issue of Liber Annuus

 Liber Annuus 71/2021

  • Anto Popović, "Il compito, il permesso, il divieto e la punizione (Gen 2,15-17)," 9-46 (abstract
  • David Volgger, "Die Dynamik des werdenden Volkes Abrahams in Gen 12-25," 47-78 (abstract)
  • Marco Settembrini, "La calunnia di Miriam: rilievi su Numeri 12,," 79-100 (abstract)
  • Jean Paul René Ondoua Omgba, "La beauté poético-musicale des psaumes au service de la théologie : le cas du Ps 85, 101-124 (abstract)
  • Vasile A. Condrea, "The verbless sentence of Biblical Hebrew: a grammatical and a text-linguistic reading," 125-154 (abstract)
  • Matteo Munari, "Perfetti o misericordiosi? (Mt 5,48 // Lc 6,36)," 155-170 (abstract)
  • Francesco Filannino, "Eine notwendige Alternative? Eine »inklusive« Interpretation von ὡς παιδίον (Mk 10,15), " 171-188 (absrtact)
  • Piotr Blajer, "Luke’s Skillful Account of the Unsuccessful Inaugural Speech in Nazareth: A Narrative Study of Luke 4:16-30," 189-210 (abstract)
  • Piotr Blajer, "Function and Purpose of the Five Major Travel Notices in Luke: The Structure of the Lukan Journey Section Reconsidered," 211-228 (abstract)
  • Leonardo Giuliano, "1Ts 2,1-3,13: una periautologia paracletica," 229-248 (abstract)
  • Elisa Chiorrini, "La Scrittura parla forse per invidia? Gc 4,5 e l’esigenza dell’amore di Dio," 249-288 (abstract)
  • Tomislav Vuk, "The so-called Syrian clay mortars with stamp inscriptions: general classification and first edition or re-edition of some exemplars," 289-342 (abstract)
  • Shimon Dar, "The Roman Villa in Eretz Israel: A Solution for Agrarian and Historical Problems," 397-424 (abstract)
  • Asher Ovadiah, Sonia Mucznik, "Asklepios, Helios, Hygieia and Sarapis in the Decapolis," 493-510 (abstract)
  • Ruth E. Jackson-Tal, Rachel Chachy, Yakov Kalman, Ehud Netzer, Gideon Foerster, Roi Porat, "Between Rulers and Rebels: The Glass Finds from the Mountain Palace-Fortress at Herodium," 511-544 (abstract)

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