Παρασκευή 19 Αυγούστου 2022

Το τρέχον τεύχος του JTI / The current issue of JTI

 Journal of Theological Interpretation 16/1 (2022)

  • Alexander H. Pierce, "Tertullian's Case for the Christiani Creatoris in Adversus Marcionem," 1-22 (abstract)
  • Rory J. Balfour, "“Heavy Is the Head”: Election, Grace, and Humility in the Climax of the Jacob-Esau Cycle (Genesis 32–33)," 23-39 (abstract)
  • Kangil Kim, "A Theology of Forgiveness: Theosis in Matthew 18:15–35," 40-56 (abstract)
  • Peter Baker, "The Prodigal Returns? Karl Barth’s Christological Interpretation of Luke 15:11–32," 57-73 (abstract)
  • Jonathan M. Platter - Jacob Lett, "“Christ Who is Our Peace”: Ephesians 2 and a Theological Ontology of Place," 74-89 (abstract)
  • Colton F. Moore, "No One Has Ascended into Heaven except the One Who Descends: The Climax of Ascension in Scripture," 90-109 (abstract)
  • Jonathan Rowlands, "The Theological Lineage of N. T. Wright’s Historical Method," 110-131 (abstract)

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