Τρίτη 9 Αυγούστου 2022

Στα δύο τελευταία τεύχη του JECH / In the last two issues of JECH

Journal of Early Christian History 12/1 (2022)

Pain and Remedy in Early Judaism and Christianity

  • Monika Amsler, "Function and Aesthetics of Talmudic Medical Recipes," 5-26 (abstract)
  • Andrew Crislip, "Pain, Emotion, and Identity in Early Christianity," 27-51 (abstract)
  • Lennart Lehmhaus, "Talmudic Torment: Late Antique Jewish Texts on Pain and Suffering Between Medicine, Martyrdom, and Askesis,"  52-79 (abstract)
  • Matt O'Reilly, "Paul, Apostle of Pain: “One of Us-ness” and the Question of Suffering in 2 Corinthians," 80-95 (abstract)
  • Erin Galgay Walsh, "Giving Voice to Pain: New Testament Narratives of Healing in the Poetry of Jacob of Serugh," 96-118 (abstract)


  • Chris L. de Wet, "Contextualising Pain and Remedy in Early Judaism and Christianity: A Response," 119-126 (abstract)

Journal of Early Christian History 12/2  (2022)

  • John-Christian Eurell, "Paul and the Jesus Tradition: Reconsidering the Relationship Between Paul and the Synoptics," 1-16 (abstract)
  • Christopher M. Hansen, "Re-examining the Pre-Christian Jesus," 17-40 (abstract)
  • Jeremy Punt, "Race, Texts, and Contexts: Whiteness and Anti-Judaism," 41-72 (abstract)
  • Mark Wilson, "Philip in Text and Realia: Contextualising a Biblical Figure Within Roman Hierapolis," 73-101 (abstract)

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