Πέμπτη 25 Αυγούστου 2022

Το τρέχον τεύχος του FilNeot / The current issue of FilNeot

 Filología neotestamentaria 34/54 (2021)

  • Thomas Schumacher, "A Life with Paul: Norbert Baumert, his Vita and his Theological Profile," 5-15
  • Stanley E. Porter, "The Dative Case in Some Examples of Greek Grammatical Discussion," 17-37
  • Mathias Nell, "Kühne Übersetzungsleistung - Beobachtungen und Überlegungen zu Baumerts Reihe Paulus neu gelesen und über die Kritik an derselben," 39-67
  • Sebastian Schneider, "Das Buch der Paulusbriefe. Der Kontext zur Lösung des Problems der Teilungshypothesen," 69-99
  • Christian-B. Amphoux, "Qui est donc Apollos?" 99-112
  • Albert Hogeterp, "On Pauline φύσις and Ancient Gender Perspectives in 1 Cor 11:2-16," 113-150
  • Christoph W. Stenschke, "The Jewish Gospel in Romans 9-11 and the Claims of Rome," 151-181
  • José Enrique Aguilar Chiu, "Tongues and Prophecy in 1 Cor 14:21-25," 183-195
  • Ryan Kristopher Giffin, "The Latin Witnesses to the Justification Clause of Philippians 3,12: A Survey and Summary," 197-212
  • Nathan Nadau, "“Our” Poets at Athens? Reconsidering a Variant Reading in Acts 17,28," 213-225
  • Jermo van Nes, "Second-Century Vocabulary in the Pastoral Epistles? A Reassessment," 227-253
  • Peter Rodgers, "Mark’s longer Ending," 255-260
  • Andrew M. Bowden, "Recent Trends in the Interpretation of Paul's Epistle to the Romans, in Honor of Professor Dr. Norbert Baumert," 261-279

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