Τετάρτη 24 Αυγούστου 2022

Το τρέχον τεύχος του The Bible Translator / The current issue of The Bible Translator

 The Bible Translator 73/1 (2022)

  • June F. Dickie, "Translating Psalms for Performance and Their Use in Various Ministries within the Church: Examples from South Africa," 6–25 (abstract)
  • Martha L. Wade, "Taking the Potholes out of the Road: Prepublication Recording as a Means of Editing in Oral Preference Cultures," 26–38 (abstract)
  • Byron M. Jones, Jr., "Appropriateness versus Naturalness in the Jamaican Creole Bible Translation Project," 39–52 (abstract)
  • R. Jeffrey Green, "Translating Ethnonyms in Inuit Bibles," 53–72 (abstract)

Technical Papers

  • Patrick Krayer, "God’s Promise to Hagar in Genesis 16: Rethinking a Problematic Text," 73–88 (abstract)
  • Vincent Chukwuma Onwukwe, "Looking into Sarah's Eyes: The Meaning of מְצַחֵק in Genesis 21.9," 89–103 (abstract)
  • Brigitte Rabarijaona, "Island Identity in the Malagasy Bible Translation," 104–110 (abstract)
  • Stephen Pattemore, "The Ever-Rolling Stream: How Time Subverts “Translation for” into “Journeying with”: Half a Century of Bible Translation in Urak Lawoi’," 111–119 (abstract)
  • Timothy Hatcher, Sangsok Son, "Translanguaging: Leveraging Multilingualism for Scripture Engagement," 120–140 (abstract)

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