Παρασκευή 26 Αυγούστου 2022

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του Ancient Society / In the current issue of Ancient Society

 Ancient Society 51 (2021)

  • Julien Dechevez, "Construire la figure religieuse des souverains lagides: À propos d'une dédicace à Hestia Pantheos et aux Theoi Euergetai pour Ptolémée IV et Arsinoé III,"  51 - 79 (abstract)
  • Nico Dogaer, "Beer for the Gods and Coin for the Priests: Temple Involvement in the Beer Industry in Hellenistic Egypt," 81 - 100 (abstract)
  • Michael J. Taylor, "Centurions in Early Rome," 101 - 121 (abstract)
  • Sam Heijnen, "Statues in Dialogue:  Visual Similarities in 'Grown' Roman Imperial Statue Groups from the Greek East," 123 - 156 (abstract)

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