Δευτέρα 11 Απριλίου 2022

Το τρέχον τεύχος του ZAW / The current issue of ZAW

 Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 134/1 (2022)

  • Timothy Yap, "(You’re) The Devil in Disguise: The Theme of Disguise in 1 Samuel and 1 Kings," 2-14 (abstract)
  • Hermann-Josef Stipp, "Das Alter des masoretischen Sonderguts im Jeremiabuch (Teil 2)," 15-39 (abstract)
  • Dylan R. Johnson, "The Torah and the King: Zedekiah’s Edict (Jer 34) and Deuteronomistic Redaction," 40-54
  • Mark Leuchter, "The Name »Berechiah« in Sach 1," 55-67 (abstract)
  • Walter Bührer, "Anmerkungen zum chronologischen Verhältnis von Hioberzählung und Hiobdichtung," 68-84 (abstract)
  • Drew Longacre, "The 11Q5 Psalter as a Scribal Product: Standing at the Nexus of Textual Development, Editorial Processes, and Manuscript Production," 85-111 (abstract)

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