Τρίτη 12 Απριλίου 2022

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Revue Biblique / The current issue of Revue Biblique

Revue Biblique 129/1 (2022)

  • Bernard Gosse, "Les psaumes coréites et la structuration du psautier en relation à Elohim, Yahvé, Moïse et David," 5 - 24 (abstract)
  • Isaac Kalimi, "The Retribution of Arrogance: The Assyrian King in Isaiah," 25 - 48 (abstract)
  • David A. Smith, "Lord of the Sabbath Controversies: Luke's Development of a Theological Vision," 49 - 67 (abstract)
  • Nathan Hays, "The Comparison of Jesus and Jacob in the Fourth Gospel and the Question of Samaritan Influence on the Johannine Community," 68 - 87 (abstract)
  • Jonathon Lookadoo, "Imagery and Biblical Interpretation: Considering the Use of Feminine Imagery in Revelation and the Shepherd of Hermas," 88 - 104 (abstract)
  • Mariusz Burdajewicz - Bérénice Lagarce-Othman, "Scarabées et amulettes inédits de Tell Keisan: Contexte et chronologie," 105 - 127 (abstract)

Notes philologiques

  • Christophe Rico, "La conjonction ἕως en grec ancien: À propos de Mt 1,25. II. La situation du grec néotestamentaire," 128 - 133

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