Δευτέρα 11 Απριλίου 2022

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Early Christianity / The current issue of Early Christianity

Early Christianity 13/1 (2022)

Perspectives on the Qumran Community: From the Essenes to the Yaḥad, and Beyond

  • Jörg Frey, "Perspectives on the Qumran Community: From the Essenes to the Yaḥad, and Beyond," 1-16 
  • John J. Collins, "Serek Ha-Yaḥad Revisited," 17-33 (abstract)
  • Eyal Regev, "Sect or Cult? Comparing the Qumranites and Early Christians Using New Methods of the Sociology of Religion," 34-57 (abstract
  • Romulus D. Stefanut, "Two Lofty Liturgies of Life:  Philo's Therapeutae and Their Friendly Polemics with the Essenes," 58- 83 (abstract)
  • Marcello Fidanzio, "The Deposition of the Copper Scroll:  New Archaeological Investigations," 84-101 (abstract

New Discoveries
  • Annette Weissenrieder, André Luiz Visinoni, "The Codex Vercellensis (a, 3) as Witness of the Gospel of Luke," 105-130

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