Τρίτη 12 Απριλίου 2022

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Biblica / The current issue of Biblica

 Biblica 102/4 (2021)

  • Raleigh Heth - T.E. Kelley, "Isaac and Iphigenia: Portrayals of Child Sacrifice in Israelite and Greek Literature," 481 - 502 (abstract)
  • Vladimir  Olivero, "About Coins and Kingship in LXX Proverbs 25,4-5," 503 - 514 (abstract)
  • Dieter Böhler, "Christologie und die Lectio Continua des Psalters,"  515 - 536 (abstract)
  • Michaël Girardin, "Jésus, les sicaires et l'impôt: Ni résistance, ni lutte sociale," 537 - 559 (abstract)
  • Federico M. Colautti, "Porneia and the Matthean Exception (Matt 5,32; 19,9)," 560 - 572 (abstract)
  • Zacharias Shoukry, "Motifs in John 9," 573 - 584 (abstract)
  • Matthew T. Warnez, "The Apocryphal Backdrop to Rom 8,19-22," 585 - 592 (abstract)
  • Andrew Crislip, "Disgust in Early Christianity:  The New Testament and its Early Reception," 593 - 614 (abstract)

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