Πέμπτη 10 Μαρτίου 2022

Το τρέχον τεύχος του NTS / The current issue of NTS

New Testament Studies 68/2 (2022)

  • Margaret M. Mitchell, "John Chrysostom and Christian Love Magic: A Spellbinding Moment in the History of Interpretation of 1 Cor 7.2–4," 119-143 (abtsract)
  • Rowe C. Kavin, "What if it were True? Why Study the New Testament," 144-155 (abstract)
  • Garrick V. Allen, "Titles in the New Testament Papyri," 156-171 (open access)
  • Matthew Pawlak, "Paul's Escape from Damascus (2 Cor 11.32–3) and the corona muralis," 172-187 (open access)
  • David A. Evans, "Κολληθέντɛς in Acts 17.34 and the Establishment of the Athenian Church," 188-205 (abstract)
  • Ivan Miroshnikov, "A New Witness to the Fayyūmic Version of First Corinthians (P.MorganLib. 265). Part II: Notes on its Text-Critical Value, with an Edition of the Coptic Text,"  206-230 (open access)  

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