Παρασκευή 4 Φεβρουαρίου 2022

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Biblical Interpretation / The current issue of Biblical Interpretation

 Biblical Interpretation 30/1 (2022)

  • Rebekah Welton, "Ethnography and Biblical Studies: ‘A Land Flowing with Milk and Honey’ as a Case Study for Re-contextualising a Familiar Phrase," 1–20  (abstract)
  • Jason R. Price, "Diseased Bodies and the Invaded Social Body in Biblical Depictions of the Census," 21–45 (abstract)
  • Laura Quick, "'Like a Garment Eaten by Moths' (Job 13:28): Clothing, Nudity and Illness in the Book of Job," 46–65 (abstract)
  • Daniel C. Timmer, "The Material and Immaterial Significance of the Feast in Isaiah 25:6–8,"  66–82 (abstract)
  • Tina Dykesteen Nilsen, "Green Goals: The SDGs in Ecological Hermeneutics," 83–97 (abstract
  • Paul Clogher, "The “Space Between”: Pasolini’s Il Vangelo Secondo Matteo and the Mediation of Scripture," 98–123 (abstract)

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