Δευτέρα 13 Δεκεμβρίου 2021

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Biblica / The current issue of Biblica

 Biblica 102/3 (2021)

  • Daniel Daley, "Inheritance, Inclusion, and Identity in Tobit and the Jewish Diaspora," 321-334 (abstract)
  • Kyle C. Dunham, "Political Folly and Royal Wisdom in Eccl 5,7-8," 335-355 (abstract)
  • Alfredo Delgado Gómez, "The Vocabulary of Mark's Gospel, the LXX, and the Greek of its Time," 356-385 (abstract)
  • David H. Wenkel, "Paul and Dangerous Devout Women of High-Standing in Acts," 386-400 (abstract)
  • Juan Manuel Granados, "Rom 15,7-13 Revisited: Purposes and Proofs," 401-418 (abstract)
  • K.R. Harriman, "Same Sound, Better Reading? A Text-Critical Analysis of the 1 Cor 15,49 Variants," 419-434 (abstract)
  • Jean-Noël Aletti, "Questions actuelles sur la lettre aux Philippiens: Propositions critiques," 435-446 (abstract)


  • Holger Gzella, "Eine neue Konjektur zu Hos 12,5," 447-451 (abstract)

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