Τετάρτη 22 Δεκεμβρίου 2021

Το τρέχον τεύχος του The Bible Translator / The current issue of The Bible Translator

 The Bible Translator 72/3 (2021)

  • Lénart J. de Regt, "'And David’s sons were priests': Translating Perceived Discrepancies," 278-283 (abstract)
  • Vilson Scholz, "The Newer Greek Text of the New Testament (NA28 and UBS5) and Its Implications for Translation," 284–293 (abstract)
  • Simon Mlundi, "Towards Professionalization of Church Interpretation in Tanzania: What Do Church Stakeholders Say about the Quality Criteria of Church Interpretation?" 294–312 (abstract)
  • Isaac Boaheng, "Reading Ruth as an Akan Story: A Proposal for an Alternative Akan Mother-Tongue Translation of Ruth 1.1," 313–330 (abstract)
  • Rodney K. Duke, "Understanding and Translating Proverbs 25.27: Weighing the “Honorable” Options," 331–350 (abstract)
  • Douglas Estes, "Regular and Irregular Variable Questions in New Testament Greek," 351–363 (abstract)
  • Ryan Kristopher Giffin, "The Text of Philippians 3.12 in the Gothic Translation: Paul Not Already Deemed Righteous?" 364–379 (abstract)
  • Charles L. Quarles, "Colossians 1.12a: A Case for the Reading of the Earliest Witnesses," 380–392 (abstract)

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