Τρίτη 26 Οκτωβρίου 2021

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Vetus Testamentum / The current issue of Vetus Testamentum

Vetus Testamentum 71/4-5 (2021)

  • Felix Albrecht, "Die Handelsgüter der Tarsis-Schiffe (1Kön 10,22): Ein Vergleich zwischen Masoretischem Text und Septuaginta," 473–480 (abstract)
  • David J. A. Clines, "Alleged Basic Meanings of the Hebrew Verb qdš “Be Holy”: An Exercise in Comparative Hebrew Lexicography," 481–502 (abstract)
  • Heath D. Dewrell, "Depictions of Egypt in the Book of Hosea and Their Implications for Dating the Book," 503–530 (abstract)
  • Ya’akov Dolgopolsky-Geva, "Jerusalem before the Reform: Memory, Nostalgia, and Antiquarian Interest in 2 Kings 23:7–13," 531–550 (abstract)
  • Raanan Eichler, "Solomon’s Throne in Its Ancient Near Eastern Context," 551–565 (abstract)
  • Gershon Galil, "The Formation of Judges and Samuel and the Deuteronomistic Composition," 566–590 (abstract
  • Naama Golan - Shai Gordin, "Can God Deliver His Servants? Two Theological Problems in the Daniel Narratives (Dan 1:9; 3:17–18)," 591–606 (abstract)
  • Ekaterina E. Kozlova, "'Dressed as a Harlot and Cunning of Heart'? A New Look at the Heart of the Strange Woman in the Book of Proverbs," 607–618 (abstract)
  • Joachim J. Krause, "lārešet ʾet hāʾāreṣ—'To Possess the Land, to Enjoy Possession of the Land': A Lexicographic Proposal and Its Theological Ramifications," 619–630 (abstract)
  • Orit Malka, "On the Meaning of הֵעִיד in Biblical Hebrew: Between Summoning Witnesses and Imposing Oaths," 631–652 (abstract)
  • Nadav Naʾaman, "Dating the Renaming of Cities Referred to in the Biblical Conquest and Settlement Accounts," 653–664 (abstract)
  • Jonathan Nathan, "The Meaning and Syntax of taʿărōg," 665–672 
  • Gary A. Rendsburg, "Genesis 49:4—The Route of Facile Textual Emendation vs. Appreciation for Literary Brilliance," 673–686 (abstract)
  • Joseph Scales, "Preparing for Military Action: Judith’s Purificatory Washing in Judith 12:7," 687–703
  • Kyu Seop Kim, "Διαθήκη in Ptolemaic Documentary Papyri and LXX Genesis," 704–717 (abstract)
  • Richard C. Steiner, "דימון (Isa 15:9) and להמנות (Qoh 1:15): On Dialectal Wordplay and Nasal Spreading in the Bible," 718–742 (abstract)
  • Jonathan Thambyrajah, "A Macedonian in the Persian Court: Addition E of Esther and the Vetus Latina," 743–750 (abstract)
  • Frank Ueberschaer, "Ich und mein König: Ps 45 als Ausdruck israelitischer Herrschaftsideologie und schreiberlichen Selbstbewusstseins," 751–783 (abstract)
  • Ellen J. van Wolde, "Not the Name Alone: A Linguistic Study of Exodus 3:14–15," 784–800 

Short Notes

  • Michel Masson, "A propos de la racine להם dans Proverbes 18:8," 801–805 (abstract)

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