Τετάρτη 13 Οκτωβρίου 2021

Το τρέχον τεύχος του SJOT / The current issue of SJOT

 Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament 35/2 (2021)

  • Melissa Sayyad Bach, "How Hard is it to Get into the Community Rule? Exploring Transmission in 1QS from the Perspective of the Modes of Religiosity," 159-186 (abstract)
  • Inchol Yang, "The Presence and Absence of Marduk and YHWH," 187-200 (abstract)
  • Neil O’Hara, "Man Cannot Serve Two Masters: The Characterisation of Gideon and Doublets in Judges 6," 201-206 (abstract)
  • Juan Chapa, "The “Jewish” LXX Papyri from Oxyrhynchus: Witnesses of Ways that did not Part?" 207-229 (abstract)
  • Ellena C. Lyell, "Cognitive Linguistics & Chromatic Language: Applying Modern Theories of Colour Perception to the Hebrew Bible," 230-241 (abstract)
  • Gregory Goswell, "The Glorification of the Temple in Haggai 2,1-9," 242-255 (abstract)
  • Graeme Auld, "Tracing the Writing of Kings with Nadav Na’aman and Klaus-Peter Adam," 256-273 (abstract)
  • Caio Peres, "A Lion Ate Grass like an Ox: Nebuchadnezzar and Empire Transformation in Daniel Four," 274-300 (abstract)
  • Bernhard Lang, "God and Time: An Essay on the Bible’s Cyclical View of History," 301-314 (abstract)

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