Τετάρτη 20 Οκτωβρίου 2021

Το τρέχον τεύχος του JSOT / The current issue of JSOT

 Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 46/1 (2021)

  • Yisca Zimran, "The Prevalence and Purpose of the ‘Assyria-Egypt’ Motif in the Book of Hosea," 3–23 (abstract)
  • Adam D. Hensley, "David, Once and Future King? A Closer Look at the Postscript of Psalm 72.20," 24–43 (abstract)
  • Jonathan A. Thambyrajah, "Israelite or Moabite? Ethnicity in the book of Ruth," 44–63 (abstract)
  • Kristin J. Wendland, "Naming Jerusalem: Poetry and the Identity of the Personified City in Lamentations 1-2," 64–78 (abstract)
  • Steven T. Mann, "Let There Be Cain: A Clash of Imaginations in Genesis 4," 79–95 (abstract)
  • John Burnight, "Is Eliphaz a false prophet? The vision in Job 4.12-21," 96–116 (abstract)
  • Benjamin M Austin, "The ironic syllogism: A rhetorical use of unmarked questions," 117–132 (abstract)
  • Rev Dr Simon P. Stocks, "‘Like the snail that dissolves’: Construction of Identity of Psalmist and Enemy in the Lament Psalms of the Individual," 133–143 (abstract)

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