Δευτέρα 20 Σεπτεμβρίου 2021

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Revue de Qumran / The current issue of Revue de Qumran

Revue de Qumran 33/1 (2021)

  • Jean-Sébastien Rey, "The Relationship between the Hebrew Manuscripts B, (B Margin), E and F of Ben Sira," 5 - 17 (abstract)
  • Eibert Tigchelaar, "4Q30 (4QDeutc): Fragments, Variants, Textual Transmission," 19 - 36 (abstract)
  • Hanneke van der Schoor, "Which Dead Sea Scrolls Fragments have Actually been Radiocarbon Dated?" 39 - 59 (abstract)
  • Gareth J. Wearne, "Linguistic Remarks on the Unity of 4QMMT and its Implications for Hebrew in the Late Second Temple Period," 61 - 91 (abstract)
  • Henryk Drawnel, "Józef Tadeusz Milik and the Publication of the Qumran Fragments of the Aramaic Testament of Levi," 93 - 119 (abstract)
  • Ariel Feldman - Tal Feldman, "4Q150 (4QMez B) and 8Q4 (8QMez) Revisited," 121 - 138 (abstract)


  • Émile Puech, "4Q340: Liste de Netînîm et les livres d'Esdras et de Néhémie," 139 - 144 
  • Eibert Tigchelaar, "4Q476a Fragment 3," 145 - 146
  • Shlomi Efrati, "Was Miriam Shut from his Eyes? The Miriam Pericope in 4Q377 (Apocryphal Pentateuch B) Reconsidered," 147 - 152

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