Κυριακή 26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2021

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Novum Testamentum / The current issue of Novum Testamentum

 Novum Testamentum 63/4 (2021)

  • Stephen Robert Llewelyn - William Robinson, "'If Your Hand Causes You to Stumble, Cut It Off': Questions over the Figurative Nature of Mark 9:43–47 and Its Synoptic Parallels," 425-451 (abstract
  • Maren R. Niehoff, "A Roman Portrait of Abraham in Paul’s and Philo’s Later Exegesis," 452–476 (abstract)
  • Stefan Krauter, "Mercy and Monarchy: Seneca’s De clementia and Paul’s Letter to the Romans," 477–488 (abstract
  • Bryan R. Dyer, "The Wordplay μαθεῖν-παθεῖν in Hebrews 5:8," 489–504 (abstract)
  • John-Christian Eurell, "Reconsidering the John of Revelation," 505–518 (abstract)
  • J.K. Elliott, "Supplement IV to J.K. Elliott, A Bibliography of Greek New Testament Manuscripts (Third Edition)," 519–532 

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