Σάββατο 7 Αυγούστου 2021

Το τρέχον τεύχος του RRE / The current issue of RRE

 Religion in the Roman Empire 7/1 (2021)

Curses in Context, 2: Curses in the Eastern and North African Provinces of the Roman Empire

  • Richard L. Gordon, "Curse-Practices in the Late-Antique Roman Levant and North Africa," 3-18 (abstract)
  • Roger S. O. Tomlin, "The Latin Curses from Uley and Other Sanctuaries in Britain," 19-30 (abstract)
  • Riccardo Vecchiato, "Crucified and Beheaded: The Archaeological Context of the Amathous Curses (DTAud 22–37)," 31-42 (abstract)
  • Andrew T. Wilburn, "The Selenite and Lead Curse Tablets from Amathous, Cyprus and the Transmission of Magical Technology," 43-70 (abstract)
  • Robert Daniel, "A Vestige of the Ptolemaic Crocodile Cult in a Curse from Caesarea Maritima against a Pantomime Dancer," 71-77 (abstract)
  • Attilio Mastrocinque, "Cursing Dancers in the Roman Levant: A Forgotten Text in Milan," 78-95 (abstract)
  • Raquel Martín Hernández, "The Figural Representation of Victims on Agonistic Late-Antique Curse Tablets," 96-124 (abstract)
  • Christopher A. Faraone, "The Curse Tablets of PGM VII: A North African Tradition?" 125-148 (abstract)
  • Ortal-Paz Saar, "Jewish Curse Tablets?" 149-166 (abstract)
  • Korshi Dosoo, "The Powers of Death: Memory, Place and Eschatology in a Coptic Curse," 167-194 (abstract)
  • Nicole Belayche, "Curse Tablets in the Eastern Provinces of the Roman Empire," 195-213 (abstract)

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