Τετάρτη 18 Αυγούστου 2021

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Henoch / The current issue of Henoch

Henoch 42/2 (2020)

Scribal Activity and Textual Plurality

  • Martin Worthington, "Orthographic Abbreviation in Babylonian and Assyrian of the Second and First Millennia BC," 173-207
  • Graeme D. Bird, "Transmission of the Homeric Text. Singers, Rhapsodes, Transcribers, Scribes and Editors," 208-225
  • Corrado Martone, "Scribal Activity during the Second Temple Period," 226-239
  • Andrés Piquer Otero - Pablo Torijano Morales, "The Redaction and Transmission of 2 Kgs 23:4-6. Questions of Textual Model and Challenges for  Editors," 240-257
  • Matthieu Richelle, "Towards a Variegated Approach to Textual Fluidity. Limited Variations, Deliberate Duplication and a Creative Scribal Mistake in 2 Kings 10:15-31," 258-280 
  • Frank Ueberschaer, "Let Me Praise! – Let Us Praise! – Who Will Praise the Ancestors? In Search of Scribal Activity and Influences in the Opening Section of the Praise of the Ancestors," 281-298 
  • Jean-Sébastien Rey - J.L. Andruska, "Synonymous Variations in the Hebrew Texts of Ben Sira," 299-313 
  • John Screnock, "The Septuagint, Scribalism, and Command-Execution Pairing," 314-321
  • Jean-Marie Auwers, "La réécriture de Tobie vieux latin dans la Première Bible d’Alcalá (VL 109)," 322-343
  • Patrick Pouchelle, "Les scribes à l’œuvre dans les Psaumes de Salomon," 344-359
  • Peter Malik, "The More the Merrier? Scribal Activity and Textual Plurality in the New Testament Tradition," 360-372
  • Claire Clivaz, "Looking at Scribal Practices in the Endings of Mark 16," 373-388


  • Corrado Martone, "Separative and Conjunctive Errors. A Note on a New Reading of 4Q99 23," 391-395
  • Luciano Bossina, Once again on אפריון > φορεῖον (Cant. 3, 9). Some Historical Remarks," 396-408
  • Giulio Mariotti, "«Tὸ μυστήριον τοῦτο μέγα ἐστίν» (Ef 5:32) alla luce dei testi del Mar Morto," 409-

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