Δευτέρα 5 Ιουλίου 2021

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Vetus Testamentum / The current issue of Vetus Testamentum

 Vetus Testamentum 71/2 (2021)

  • James Frohlich and Henk de Waard, "The Text of Jeremiah: Re-Examining the Evidence from Kings," 161–174 (abstract)
  • Emmylou J. Grosser, "What Symmetry Can Do That Parallelism Can’t: Line Perception and Poetic Effects in the Song of Deborah (Judges 5:2–31)," 175–204 (abstract)   
  • Arthur Jan Keefer, "Proverbs 21:1 and Ancient Near Eastern Hydrology," 205–218 (abstract)
  • Joram Mayshar, "The Jubilee Calendar," 219–232 (abstract)
  • Nili Samet, "Non-Accusative ʾt and the Syntactic Profile of Late Biblical Hebrew," 233–250 (abstract)
  • David Shapira, "The 'Molten Sea' Revisited," 251–262 (abstract)
  • Eibert Tigchelaar, "Reconsidering 4Q24 (4QLeviticusb): Two Manuscripts and a New Fragment," 263–273 (abstract)
  • Maria Yurovitskaya, "'To the Moles'? A Note on Isaiah 2:20," 274–281 (abstract)

Short Notes

  • Jan Krans, "Variae sunt artes diaboli: A Curious Misunderstanding," 282–284 
  • Steven Shnider - Lawrence Zalcman, "Punning on Running: Verbal Horseplay at Psalm 147:10," 285–288 

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