Τετάρτη 7 Ιουλίου 2021

Το τρέχον τεύχος του JECH / The current issue of JECH

 Journal of Early Christian History 10/3 (2020)

Modelling Christian Cult Groups among Graeco-Roman Cults

  • Gerhard van den Heever, "Once Again: Modelling Early Christian Social Formations and Christ-Cult Groups among Graeco-Roman Cults," 1-11 (abstract)
  • Jarkko Vikman, "Kinship as a Trustworthy Cue: The Signalling of Religious Expertise in the Epigraphy of Ephesian Voluntary Associations," 12-28 (abstract)
  • Jin Hwan Lee, "Reading 1 Cor 11:19 in Light of Election Practices in Private Associations," 29-43 (abstract)
  • Margaret Froelich, "Sacrificed Meat in Corinth and Jesus Worship as a Cult Among Cults," 44-56 (abstract)
  • Chris L. de Wet, "Modelling Christian Cult Groups among Graeco-Roman Cults: A Response," 57-63 (abstract)

General Articles

  • John-Christian Eurell, "Becoming Christian: On the Identification of Christ-Believers as Χριστιανοί," 64-82 (abstract)
  • Luis Josué Salés, "Queerly Christified Bodies: Women Martyrs, Christification, and the Compulsory Masculinisation Thesis," 83-109 (abstract)

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