Παρασκευή 16 Ιουλίου 2021

Το τρέχον τεύχος του JBL / The current issue of JBL

 Journal of Biblical Literature 140/2 (2021)

  • David J. A. Clines, "Alleged Female Language about the Deity in the Hebrew Bible," 229-249 (abstract)
  • David M. Carr, "Competing Construals of Human Relations with “Animal” Others in the Primeval History (Genesis 1–11)," 251-269 (abstract)
  • Paba Nidhani De Andrado, "Hannah’s Agency in Catalyzing Change in an Exclusive Hierarchy," 271-289 (abstract)
  • Will Kynes, "Wrestle On, Jacob: Antebellum Spirituals and the Defiant Faith of the Hebrew Bible," 291-307 (abstract)
  • Hindy Najman, "Imitatio Dei and the Formation of the Subject in Ancient Judaism, 309-323 (abstract)
  • Troy M. Troftgruben, "The Ending of Luke Revisited, " 325-346 (abstract)
  • Laura Salah Nasrallah, "Judgment, Justice, and Destruction: Defixiones and 1 Corinthians," 347-367 (abstract)
  • T. Christopher Hoklotubbe, "Civilized Christ-Followers among Barbaric Cretans and Superstitious Judeans: Negotiating Ethnic Hierarchies in Titus 1:10–14," 369-390 (abstract)
  • Kim Papaioannou, "The Sin of the Angels in 2 Peter 2:4 and Jude 6," 391-408 (abstract)
  • TGarrick V. Allen, "The Possibilities of a Gospel Codex: GA 2064 (Dublin, CBL W 139), Digital Editing, and Reading in a Manuscript Culture," 409-434 

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