Τρίτη 6 Ιουλίου 2021

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Early Christianity / The current issue of Early Christianity

 Early Christianity 12/2 (2021)

  • Isaac T. Soon, "The Short Apostle: The Stature of Paul in Light of 2 Cor 11:33 and the Acts of Paul and Thecla," 159-178 (abstract)
  • Stefan Krauter, "Foul! Romans 9–11 and Athletic Contests in Ancient Epic," 179-199 (abstract)
  • Beatrice Wyss, "Die Brotrede Philons aus Alexandreia in Legum allegoriae 3,169–178," 200-227 (abstract)
  • Carl Johan Berglund, "References to Heracleon in Clement of Alexandria," 228-247 (abstract)

New Discoveries 

  • Roy D. Kotansky, "The So-Called »Christ« Magician's Cup," 251-261

New Projects

  • Tobias Nicklas,  "»Beyond Canon«: Eine kurze Erläuterung des Projekts," 265-275

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