Δευτέρα 19 Ιουλίου 2021

Το τρέχον τεύχος του CBQ / The current issue of CBQ

 Catholic Biblical Quarterly 83/3 (2021)

  • Reed Carlson, "Provocateurs, Examiners, and Fools: Divine Opponents to the Aqedah in Early Judaism," 373-389 (abstract)
  • Tova Ganzel, "First-Month Rituals in Ezekiel’s Temple Vision: A Pentateuchal and Babylonian Comparison," 390-406 (abstract)
  • Mason Lancaster, "Wounds and Healing, Dew and Lions: Hosea’s Development of Divine Metaphors," 407-424 (abstract)
  • Eunyung Lim, "Entering the Kingdom of Heaven Not like the Sons of Earthly Kings (Matthew 17: 24–18:5), 425-445 (abstract)
  • Caryn A. Reeder, "Mary’s Sword: Women and War in the Gospel of Luke," 446-465 (abstract)
  • Isaac Augustine Morales O.P., "Baptism, Holiness, and Resurrection Hope in Romans 6," 466-481 (abstract)

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