Παρασκευή 28 Μαΐου 2021

Το τρέχον τεύχος του SJOT / The current issue of SJOT

 Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament 35/1 (2021)

  • Zimran Yisca, "'What Does the Lord Require of You': The Attitude towards Zion and the Social Situation in the Book of Micah," 1-18 (abstract)
  • Bernard P. Robinson, "'Meat Seasoned with Divine Wrath'? The Quails Tradition(s)," 19-32 (abstract)
  • Wolfgang Schütte, "miṣwah oder tôrah? Ben Sira und das Aufkommen der Torah im 2. Jh. v.Chr.," 33-58 (abstract)
  • Miriam Sklarz, "'Ha’azinu' (Deut 32,1-43): Structure and Significance," 59-72 (abstract)
  • David Rothstein, "Is the Chronicler’s Tent of Meeting Really “Anti-Priestly”? Another Look," 73-94 (abstract)
  • Frederik Poulsen, "Daniel’s Prayer for Jerusalem: Reading Daniel 9 in a Diaspora Context," 95-110 (abstract)
  • Gili Kugler, "Egypt without Slavery—Tracing the Tradition of Israel’s Residence in Egypt," 111-125 (abstract)
  • Drew S. Holland, "The Genre of Source Texts Used in Chronographic Narratives of 1-2 Kings," 126-146 (abstract)
  • David Seal, "Proverbs Through the Eyes (and Ears) of Performance," 147-158 (abstract)

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