Πέμπτη 27 Μαΐου 2021

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του HTR / In the current issue of HTR

 Harvard Theological Review 114/2 (2021)

  • O. Y. Fabrikant-Burke, "Rethinking Divine Hiddenness in the Hebrew Bible: The Hidden God as the Hostile God in Psalm 88," 159-181 (abstract)
  • Joseph R. Dodson, "The Convict’s Gibbet and the Victor’s Car: The Triumphal Death of Marcus Atilius Regulus and the Background of Col 2:15," 182-202 (abstract)
  • Christophe Guignard, "Untying Knots: A New Interpretation of Irenaeus, Adversus haereses 3.22.4," 203-218 (abstract)
  • Hillel Ben-Sasson, "Representation and Presence: Divine Names in Judaism and Islam," 219-240 (abstract)




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