Παρασκευή 28 Μαΐου 2021

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Bible Translator / The current issue of Bible Translator

 Bible Translator 72/1 (2021)

  • Martha L. Wade, "How Parallel Should Parallel Passages Be?" 5–18 (abstract)
  • Ji-Youn Cho, "Roles and Functions of the Korean Bible Society’s Journal of Biblical Text Research in Bible Translation Projects," 19–30 (abstract)
  • Xiaojun Xu, "Adding a Cubit to Bible Understanding: A Study of Notes in the Chinese Union Version Bible and the Sigao Bible," 31–49 (abstract)
  • Mary Mercy Kobimbo, "The Translation of יהוה‎ in Dholuo: Overview and History," 50–60 (abstract)
  • Jamin Andreas Hübner, "The Emphatic Hypernegation That Was(n’t): Revisiting οὐ μὴ and New Testament Translation in Light of Research and Contemporary Linguistics," 61–84 (abstract)
  • J. Michael McKay, Jr., "An Evaluation of the Supposed Hebraism in Mark 8.12," 85–98 (abstract)
  • Yongbom Lee, "'God’s Righteousness Is Revealed in Every Believer from Faith to Faithfulness' (Rom 1.17): A Possible Reading," 99–116 (abstract)
  • Jordan Atkinson, "The Semantics of ἐν ᾧ in 1 Peter," 117–132 (abstract)

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