Σάββατο 3 Απριλίου 2021

To τρέχον τεύχος του JBL / The current issue of JBL

 Journal of Biblical Literature 140/1 (2021)

  • Adele Reinhartz, "The Hermeneutics of Chutzpah: A Disquisition on the Value/s of 'Critical Investigation of the Bible'," 8-30 (abstract)
  • Mark McEntire -Wongi Park, "Ethnic Fission and Fusion in Biblical Genealogies," 31-47 (abstract)
  • David Frankel, " Noah’s Drunkenness and the Curse of Canaan: A New Approach," 49-68 (abstract)
  • James D. Moore, "Who Gave You a Decree? Anonymity as a Narrative Technique in Ezra 5:3, 9 in Light of Persian-Period Decrees and Administrative Sources," 69-89 (abstract)
  • Alice Ogden Bellis, "I Am Burnt but Beautiful: Translating Song 1:5a," 91-111 (abstract)
  • Elena Dugan, "Enochic Biography and the Manuscript History of 1 Enoch: The Codex Panopolitanus Book of the Watchers," 113-138 (abstract)
  • Katherine A. Shaner, " The Danger of Singular Saviors: Vulnerability, Political Power, and Jesus’s Disturbance in the Temple (Mark 11:15–19)," 139-161 (abstract)
  • Joshua M. Reno, "Pornographic Desire in the Pauline Corpus," 163-185 (abstract)
  • Nathan Leach, "Epaphroditus and Archippus, Paul’s Fellow Soldiers: Reexamining Paul’s Rhetorical Use of συστρατιώτης," 187-206 (abstract)
  • Simon J. Joseph, "'In the Days of His Flesh, He Offered Up Prayers': Reimagining the Sacrifice(s) of Jesus in the Letter to the Hebrews," 207-227 (abstract)

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