Παρασκευή 23 Απριλίου 2021

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Biblical Interpretation / The current issue of Biblical Interpretation

 Biblical Interpretation 29/2 (2021)

  • Samuel L. Boyd, "The Application of Blood and Oil on Bodies in the Pentateuchal Sources," 120–147 (abstract)
  • Eric X. Jarrard, "Reconciliation in the Joseph Story," 148–186 (abstract)
  • Samuel Hildebrandt, "When Words become too Violent: Silence as a Form of Nonviolent Resistance in the Book of Jeremiah," 187–205 (abstract)
  • Elisa Uusimäki, "In Search of Virtue: Ancestral Inheritance in the Testament of Qahat (4Q542)," 206–228 (abstract
  • Amy Lindeman Allen, "A Sign For You: A Child Savior Revealed to Child Shepherds," 229–255 (abstract)

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