Σάββατο 20 Μαρτίου 2021

Το τρέχον τεύχος του JSOT / The current issueof JSOT

 Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 45/3 (2021)

  • Ethan C. Jones, "Hearing the ‘Voice’ of the Niphal: A Response to Ellen van Wolde," 291-308 (abstract)
  • Kurtis Peters, "Together in Guilt: David, Jonadab, and the Rape of Tamar," 309-319 (abstract)
  • Kyle C. Dunham, "A Time to Throw Away Stones: Qohelet’s Enigmatic Reference to Stones as a Hinge for the Themes of War and Peace in the Time Poem," 320-335 (abstract)
  • Madadh Richey, "Goliath among the Giants: Monster Decapitation and Capital Display in 1 Samuel 17 and Beyond," 336-356 (abstract)
  • William C. Pohl, IV, "The Inheritance of (Wicked) Speech: A Reconsideration of Job 20.29," 357-370 (abstract)
  • Daniel E. Carver, "Vision signals and the language of vision descriptions in the prophets," 371-387 (abstract)
  • Scott N. Morschauser, "‘Seeing You Have Not Withheld Your Son’: An Overlooked Motif in Genesis 22?" 388-406 (abstract)
  • Michael H. Lehmann - Nachman Levine, "An alliterative-typographical device in Psalm 37: Divine destruction of the wicked, enacted in real time," 407-421 (abstract)
  • A. Friedberg - Juni Hoppe, "Deuteronomy 14.3–21: An Early Exemplar of Rewritten Scripture?" 422-457 (abstract)

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