Τετάρτη 17 Φεβρουαρίου 2021

Το τρέχον τεύχος του JSJ / The current issue of JSJ

 Journal for the Study of Judaism 52/1 (2021)

  • Gard Granerød, "YHW the God of Heaven: An interpretatio persica et aegyptiaca of YHW in Elephantine," 1–26 (abstract)
  • Daniel Machiela, "Is the Testament of Qahat Part of the Visions of Amram? Material and Literary Considerations of 4Q542 and 4Q547," 27–38 (abstract)
  • Yonatan Adler, "Ritual Purity in Daily Life after 70 CE: The Chalk Vessel Assemblage from Shuʿafat as a Test Case, " 39–62 (abstract)
  • Rami Schwartz, "The Virgin Mother Sarah: The Characterization of the Matriarch in Genesis Rabbah,"63–103 (abstract)
  • Anders Klostergaard Petersen, "How Should We Understand Ancient Judaism?" 105–125 (abstract)

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