Τετάρτη 3 Φεβρουαρίου 2021

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του Ancient Society / In the current issue of Ancient Society

 Ancient Society 50 (2020)

  • Werner Huss, "Die Gesellschaft des ptolemaiischen Ägypten," 29-39
  • Katelijn Vandorpe -  Lisa Vanoppré, "Private and Commercial Pigeon Breeding Taxed: Ptolemaic Levies on Pigeon Houses and their Revenues," 41-64
  • Hans Hauben, "Playing Monopoly on the Nile: Captain Païs in his Dealings with Zenon (249-248 BC)," 65-98
  • Eddy Lanciers, "The Evolution of the Court Titles of the Ptolemaic Dioiketes in the Second Century," 99-128
  • Willy Clarysse, "The Emergence of God(s) in Private Greek Papyrus Letters," 129-151
  • Brent D. Shaw, "Social Status and Economic Behavior: A Hidden History of the Equites?" 153-202
  • Jeremy A. Simmons, " Pepper Consumption and the Importance of Taste in Roman Medicine," 277-324

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