Τρίτη 19 Ιανουαρίου 2021

To τρέχον τεύχος του FilNeot / The current issue of FilNeot

Filologia neotestamentaria 33 (2020) 

  • J.K.Elliott, "Textual Criticism"
  • James D. Dvorak, "The Linguistics of Social Identity Formation in the New Testament"
  • John L.H.Lee, "The Meaning of Καυχᾶσθαι. A Linguistic-Stylistic Approach"
  • Joey McCollum, "Luke 9,35 and the Power of Polygenesis"
  • Paul L. Danove, "What God Has Through Reception in the Gospel of Mark"
  • Stanley E.Porter, "The Complex Multilingualism of Paul the Apostle"
  • Thomas Schumacher, "Historische Semantik und Textüberlieferung. Anmerkungen zu einem vernachlässigten Wechselverhältnis in der neutestamentlichen Exegese"
  • Stephen H. Levinsohn, "Relative Salience of Post-nuclear Adverbial Participles in the Synoptics"

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