Τετάρτη 23 Δεκεμβρίου 2020

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Vetus Testamentum / The current issue of Vetus Testamentum

 Vetus Testamentum 70:4/5 (2020)

  • Andrew T. Abernethy, "The Spirit of God in Haggai 2:5: Prophecy as a Sign of God’s Spirit," 511–520 (abstract)
  • James K. Aitken, "Homeric Rewriting in Greek Sirach, " 521–552 (abstract)
  • Simeon Chavel and Jessie DeGrado, "Text- and Source-Criticism of 1 Samuel 17–18: A Complete Account, " 553–580 (abstract)
  • Raanan Eichler, "The Tree-Hugger Who Went on a Date: The Meaning of sansan," 581–591 (abstract)
  • Jennie Grillo, "Roots of Resurrection in the Tales of Daniel," 592–602 (abstract)
  • Isaac Kalimi, "Literary-Stylistic Metathesis in the Hebrew Bible," 603–619 (abstract)
  • Kyle H. Keimer, "Ritual or Military Action?: Interpreting Israel’s Muster at Mizpah in 1 Sam 7:2-17,"  620–633 (abstract)
  • Mason D. Lancaster and Adam E. Miglio, "Lord of the Storm and Oracular Decisions: Competing Construals of Storm God Imagery in Hosea 6:1–6," 634–644 (abstract)
  • Mark Lester, "Deuteronomy 28:58, CTH 53, and the Rhetoric of Self-Reference," 645–666 (abstract)
  • Tzvi Novick, "A Biblical Metaphor for חסד ,"  P667–673  (abstract)
  • Brian Rainey, "Indecent Exposure: Social Shame, ʿerwâ and the Interpretation of Gen 9:20-27," 674–695 (abstract)
  • Jeffrey Stackert, "The Wilderness Period without Generation Change: The Deuteronomic Portrait of Israel’s Forty-Year Journey," 696–721 (abstract)
  • Daniel Vainstub, Hezi Yizhaq, and Uzi Avner, "The Miracle of the Sun and Moon in Joshua 10 as a Solar Eclipse," 722–751 (abstract)
  • Maja Miziur-Moździoch, "How a Sheep Turned into a Giraffe: The Case of Deuteronomy 14:5," 753–758 (abstract)
  • Jelle Verburg, "The Libations of Blood in Psalm 16:4," 759–764 (abstract)

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