Κυριακή 20 Δεκεμβρίου 2020

Το τρέχον τεύχος του JSOT / The current issue of JSOT

 Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 45/2 (2020)

  • Jared Beverly, "Nebuchadnezzar and the animal mind (Daniel 4)," 145-157 (abstract)
  • Timothy J. Sandoval, "Text and Intertexts: A Proposal for Understanding Proverbs 30.1b," 158-177 (abstract)
  • Jessie DeGrado, "An Infelicitous Feast: Ritualized Consumption and Divine Rejection in Amos 6.1–7," 178-197 (abstract)
  • Samuel T. S. Goh, "The Hebel World, Its Ambiguities and Contradictions," 198-216 (abstract)
  • Chwi-Woon Kim, "Reading the Book of Habakkuk through a Lens of Cultural Trauma," 217-235 (abstract)
  • Joanna Töyräänvuori, "Homosexuality, the Holiness Code, and Ritual Pollution: A Case of Mistaken Identity," 236-267 (abstract)
  • Joseph W. Mueller, "Planting gardens: Mesopotamian influence on a Hebrew trope in Jeremiah 29," 268-287 (abstract)

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