Τρίτη 29 Δεκεμβρίου 2020

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Bible Translator / The current issue of The Bible Translator

 The Bible Translator 71/3 (2020)

  • C. M. Beasley, "Translating 2 John 12 and 3 John 14," 259-264 (abstract)
  • Becky Grossmann, "Assessment of a Discourse Workshop: Design, Implementation, and Outcomes," 265-280 (abstract)

Technical Papers

  • Vitaly Voinov, "Intrusive Voices: Translating Unexpected Changes of Speaker in the Bible," 281-302 (abstract)
  • Ethan Jones, "'He May Do Harm . . .': Translation and Meaning of 2 Sam 12.18," 303-319 (abstract)
  • Benjamin Scolnic, "The Vocabulary of Desolation: Intertextual Allusions in Daniel 9.25-27 and the Meaning of Ḥārûṣ," 320-330 (abstract)
  • John T. Bainbridge, "Translating Κύριος after 600 Years of “the Lord’s” Faithful Service," 331-356 (abstract)
  • Timothy A. Gabrielson, "Filling the Empty: An Unnoticed Pun in James 2.20-23," 357-367 (abstract)


  • David J. Clark, "'Such' or 'Other'? Options in 1 Corinthians 11.16," 368-372 (abstract)
  • Philip A. Noss, "Pleonasms, Ideophones, and the Song of Songs," 373-377 (abstract)

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