Τρίτη 3 Νοεμβρίου 2020

Το τρέχον τεύχος του BTB / The current issue of BTB

 Biblical Theology Buletin 50/4 (2020)

  • Simon J. Joseph, "'The Land Is Mine' (Leviticus 25:23): Reimagining the Jubilee in the Context of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict," 180-190 (abstract)
  • Rebecca L. Copeland, "Women, Wells, and Springs: Water Rights and Hagar’s Tribulations," 191-199 (abstract)
  • Victor H. Matthews, "Josiah at Bethel and the “Monument” to the Unnamed Prophet from Judah," 200-206 (abstract)
  • Shinji Takagi, "The Rich Young Man and the Boundary of Distributive Justice: An Economics Reading of Matthew 20:1–16," 207-215 (abstract)
  • Paul K. Moser, "Jesus as Moral-Kingmaker: Gatekeeper for a Co-Owned Dual Kingdom," 216-226 (abstract)
  • Brian Schmisek, "Luke as the Master Architect of “God’s Plan”: An Analysis of a Distinctive Lucan Concept," 227-235 (abstract)

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