Κυριακή 4 Οκτωβρίου 2020

To τρέχον τεύχος του Henoch / The current issue of Henoch

 Henoch 41/2 (2019)

Angels, Watchers, Giants Reimagined in Early Judaism, Christianity and Islam

  • Kelley Coblentz Bautch - Jonathan Kaplan, "Introduction," 181-187
  • Kyle Roark, "First Enoch 8 and the Origins of Civilization," 188-203
  • Carson M. Bay, "Demons in Flavius Josephus," 204-225
  • Bradley N. Rice, "From the Watchers to the Sethites to the Magi. Reinterpretations of Genesis in the Syriac Revelation of the Magi," 226-242
  • Joshua Falconer, Familiar Spirits in the Qurʾān. Retracing the Origins of  the Jinn," 243-264


  • Christopher T. Holmes, "A Tradition for the Throne’s Establishment on Earth.: A Note on the Tradition-Historical Relationship of Four Throne Theophanies," 265-276
  • Romina Vergari, "The Shadow Metaphors in Ancient Hebrew Literature and Their Semitic and Greek Backgrounds," 277-302

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