Τετάρτη 14 Οκτωβρίου 2020

Το τρέχον τεύχος του JSNT / The current issue of JSNT

 Journal for the Study of the New Testament 43/2 (2020)

  • B.G. White, "The Varieties of Pain: Re-examining the Setting and Purpose of 2 Corinthians with Paul's λυπ- Words," 147-172 (abstract)
  • Cornelis Bennema, "A Shared (Graeco-Roman) Model of Mimesis in John and Paul?" 173-193 (abstract)
  • W. Gil Shin, "Internarrativity and ecce homo: A Masterplot Underlying Zechariah 6.9-15 and 1 Samuel 9.1–11.15 and its Function in John 19.1-16," 194-213 (abstract)
  • Chris Kugler, "Judaism/Hellenism in Early Christology: Prepositional Metaphysics and Middle Platonic Intermediary Doctrine," 214-225 (abstract)
  • Timothy A. Gabrielson, "An Early Reader of James? Ethical Parallels between the Epistle and 2 Enoch," 226-247 (abstract)
  • Kyu Seop Kim, "The Concept of διαθήκη in Hebrews 9.16-17," 248-265 (abstract)
  • Timothy Mitchell, "Exposing Textual Corruption: Community as a Stabilizing Aspect in the Circulation of the New Testament Writings during the Greco-Roman Era," 266-298 (abstract)

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