Δευτέρα 5 Οκτωβρίου 2020

Το τρέχον τεύχος του BTB / The current issue of BTB

 Biblical Theology Bulletin 50/3 (2020)

  • Adolphus Ekedimma Amaefule, "Women Prophets in the Old Testament: Implications for Christian Women in Contemporary Southeastern Nigeria," 116-135 (abstract)
  • Philip F. Esler, Angus Pryor, "Painting 1 Enoch: Biblical Interpretation, Theology, and Artistic Practice," 136-153 
  • Catherine Petrany, "Fathers, Mothers, Sons, and Silence: Rhetorical Reconfiguration in Proverbs," 154-160 (abstract)
  • David M. Shaw, "Called to Bless: Considering an Under-appreciated Aspect of “Doing Good” in 1 Peter 3:8–17," 161-173 (abstract)

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